Sunday, April 4, 2010

Insert Deep Breath here--why I love spring

I think with some confidence I can say spring has arrived to our little corner of the Midwest.  :)  We took our first outdoor photo field trip and yep, I feel like I caught my first deep breath of the new year.

At 7:10 am I leapted out of bed and ran to the window.  I saw wonderful sunshine!  "Hooray!" I proclaimed to Mr. Fun.  "The Garage Gargoyle is back!"  (translation:  going outside in my house coat early in the morning to make some photographs...)
This shot is the first keeper of the spring
Spring tree buds

Some of us went to the very lame Easter Parade at the Zona Rosa.
I could have cared less that it wasn't a parade of epic proportion.
We had some yummy Starbuck treats, and saw the cutest
little girls in their Easter finest. 
What girl hasn't spun around in her billowy dress?  :)

I have been thinking that since I have new long lensed camera
I can take people shots and practice that side of my photo making.
It is hard for me.  People are always moving.
I figured yesterday that I take too long waiting for the perfect
angle or perfect look or light.
I am guessing the key to GREAT-Geographic shots
is a strong relationship of trust with the person,
or just shooting and seeing what comes about.

The Girl and I also figured out yesterday that you actually
can feel connection among people in the same
picture.  Their connection with each other
and their connection to us as the viewer.
We feel like we can sense when that connection isn't there.

There was a marching band....can't be THAT lame.
The Mayor was there
Yep, he is really about 2 feet taller than everyone else
and yes, he does look like Lurch
The Girl tried her luck at kissing a frog to find a prince.
Got nothing but some cold lips.
We stumbled across a nice antique store

Last but not least, my new favorite shot of the spring:
Happy Easter  :)  Bawk Bawk