It is called the Positive Peace Award. It is sponsored by the United Nations and it is slated to be the United States version of the Nobel Peace Prize for this new century (which of course is on my Bucket List to receive...which as you might know I am harboring seriously hard feelings towards Al Gore--who stole it right out from under my long Rotarian nose...mine and Irena Sendler...who saved a few hundred Jewish children during the Holocaust in her spare time).
What I can say about the evening was there was a lot of free alcohol, which then in turns involves a lot of white-collared, happy hugging old men and not enough Gouda cheese on the buffet table. No napkins to wipe their mouths either. Yuck.
It has been a long health week here in Andersonville so I dragged myself out of bed and took myself on a drive to the city.
We are in Indian Summer here in KC. It was a lovely evening.
This is our new performing arts theater...look familiar, Australia?
Always loved this door
Had a quick walkabout when I arrived...
figured those White House buddies can wait
The event was held at Union Station...
Which by the way, generally loses money. Hummm...
I wonder why? Oh wait! No customers!
The large grey building here in the fore is
really a beautiful piece of work.
Wait, am I in Kansas City or Egypt? :)
Lovely fountain out front...
dancing waters to that oldie but goodie
"He Stopped Loving Her Today."
Just kidding. :)
Just kidding. :)
They have done a great job keeping the
building up.
Decorated in time period pieces
for you antique lovers
The reason the party was here in our very own Union Station is that the local
Hall Foundation won the award.
Hall as in Hallmark.
It is big deal happy for them. :)
And naturally for me, too. I got some free cheese out of the night. :)