Thursday, December 23, 2010

Great Reindeer Cookie Off

Time for the Anderson/Allison Reindeer Cookie Off.  Our beloved version of the judge David Hassellhoff was sick in the bed this year (aka Poppa Joe) so we had some guest judges fill in.  Here are the finalists:

Honorable Mentions:
Grave yard

La Bria Tar Pits

Old School Reindeer with fancy horns


4th Place:
Big Nose Face by Tom

3rd Place:
Two Seasons by Jennifer

2nd Place (well deserved since I was talking
smack to everyone that mine would win and
I tried to suck up to the judge) Val:

Frosty the Snowman

1st place:  Seth
Die Frosty Die
(inspired by the 2nd place winner)

Fresh homemade bread slathered in butter
....everyone won with this  :)