Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wanna take a field trip? World War One Museum

When America joined the Great World War in 1917, over half of the soldiers were trained through this large building in the front of this picture:  Union Station (which in itself is a really wonderful building).  The KC folks figured that after the soldiers got home, grew them some families, they would want to return to KC to show their families the train station and perhaps maybe get themselves some BBQ (world headquarters you know).  Maybe see where Val might live someday.  You know, really lifechanging stuff.  So the locals began collecting monies in 1920 to open a museum across the street from Union Station.  They figured it would take a couple years to get it all gathered.  Try a couple decades.

It took a dedicated group in KC 90 (!!!!) years to get the money together to build the museum.  And wow, is it worth the wait.

It is the only museum in the country for WW1.  There is only
ONE vet left from The Great War.  He is living in Virginia,
and is about 108.  He, of course, was born in Missouri.  :)

In a historical nutshell, the European countries fell apart
in their reign of monarchies
which started a chairn reaction
involving much of the industrial world. 
Suffice it to say that Germany was a big player in the
pot-stirring.  And the Russians.

Wow, I thought my tax bill was high.

To understand WW1 is to understand Trench Warfare.
You should read about it if you don't know, but it is
basically each side dug out hundreds of miles of trenches which
the soldiers LIVED in (open air mind you).  It was a way
to secure their holdings and border lands. 
The term "No Man's Land" comes from the strip of land
in the middle of the trenches, the land that was sort of a buffer zone.

You should read these writings because they say it much better than I can.

It is unbelieveable.

Everything in the collection is authentic.        

Surgical tools.

The famous Red Baron.  He was a real guy.

This is abou the famous Zimmerman Telegraph.
The pot-stirring Germans invited Mexico to go up
against the UNINVOLVED United States in
exchange for some land in the southwest US so Mexico
could expand.  America at this time was not in the war.
After the Brits intercepted this information,
America joined in.

There were a lot of marketing posters during those days.
They had to get a simple message out to mainly
uneducated people, promoting everyone doing
their part and serving "the cause."

I found this one interesting.  Not only are the
posters really well done pieces of art, but their
message could be very direct.  I liked this one
because if you remember your history...
women did not vote or have a voice.
After the women took a roll and filled duties
they never had, it was not hard to understand
why Sufferage happened in 1920.
Essentially they had proved they had "earned it."

There were 17 in our group who visited it the other day.
Not everyone was interested or involved.  Some rolled
down the grassy hills instead
(and got some grass stains on their favorite jeans).  :)

A pretty ending to a lovely day.
If you ever come to visit, I will take you there.
Be careful to not wear your favorite jeans.  :)