Friday, April 3, 2009

"'Tallica! 'Tallica!"

Son, this one's for you.

Saturday April 4th is a big deal day to some members our family. If it makes the "brain" by the phone (translation: family calendar) it is a big deal. It is not just for the ACT test for the Girl. Not just a big board meeting for me three hours --one way-- away. Not just for General Conference. Not even for the Final Four Basketball. Not even for Mr. Fun's sister's birthday.

It is a big deal day for James and the boys. James, you say? James who?

I don't know many James so it is pretty easy for me to keep track. When my brother says his name, everyone in my family (except maybe dad Mr. P) knows who he is talking about.

That would be James Hetfield and his boys in the band: Metallica.

As I write this I am at one heck of a rager spontaneously held in honor of James and the boys' honor: Induction in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We are eating pizza, playing Metallica Guitar Hero and watching some Metallifacts Pop Up Video. One thing I learned is that after Metallica lost the Grammy in 1989 they started applying "1989 Grammy Losers" stickers on all of their albums. A couple weeks ago they dressed up and acted like they were a start up band in Norway trying to break into the music business. Just in case you were curious, their first hit song was "One." This Tom A. sure knows how to throw a party!

My children-- the sweet, church going, self-proclaimed Jesus Freaks LOVE Metallica. It is is all Brother Brian's fault. It started when the Girl was a few months old and BB thought it was high time for her to be introduced to their music. I was afraid she would lose her hearing.

By the time she was three or four, she had her own burned cassette tapes of James and the boys. She had a good enough ear that when she would hear their music, she would happily exclaim "'Tallica! 'Tallica!" The Boy has not been too far behind in his Metallica fanness. He even owns some Metallica wrapping paper.

Here's a big fat toast (Mormon style) of caffeine-free Mountain Dew to you and the boys, James. Enjoy your day!