Friday, February 6, 2009

Bob the Builder Award: Midori Ito Harbison

If I was cool enough to write Japanese, this is what I would write to Mrs. Midori Ito Harbison, children's enrichment teacher volunteer extraordinaire. It says "thank you."

I have only met her once, but I see her name a lot when it comes to education. She is a tiny, old japanese lady...soft spoken, gentle and sweet. And man, is she dedicated. We met in a speakers guild meeting for our school district (in which she has no children enrolled in) and I was so impressed. She had brought her tens of thousands of dollars kimono to share with us on the proper way of wearing it.

I was checking out the free classes offered by the community library system the other day and Midori's classes were all over in their brochure. Calligraphy, origami, Japanese culture, wearing the Kimono... all separate classes.

What I love about her when I see her name is that I know her desire to share her culture is sincere and she is willing to put her money where her mouth is. :)

Japanese for "You go girl."