Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What I Know

"Have you ever sat down and written out what you know? And we're talking about the things you really really your matter what. Try it sometime. Find 15 minutes of quiet (we know how hard that can be!) and just start writing "I know" statements--short and simple--but make sure they are things that you KNOW--no matter what."

I found this today so I am going to try it. Sounds hard.

I know I will always love my baby "goats."
I know that I will never have long hair.
I know that I will always love photographs.
I know I will always be so thankful to be raised in Alaska.
I know that becoming Mormon is one of the best decisions of my life.
I know I will always love certain people in my life, even if we never spoke again.
I know I will always love the colors teal and green.
I know that someday I will have seen all the Seinfeld reruns.
I know that I have been blessed with special life experiences, good and bad.
I know that I will never have a vast musical knowledge.
I know that I will never own a snake.
I know that I am the only girl who drove the Camaro when Tom owned it.
I know that I love a good thrift find.
I know that I am never going to be sorry I joined Rotary.
I know that my favorite church callings were Primary Secretary and Librarian.
I know that I can lose my temper over dumb stuff.
I know I don't understand people who are malicious.
I know I am a simple person.
I know I am not cut out for a large family.
I know I only have three minutes of this activity to go.
I know how to throw an event.
I know I always love my dad's BBQ red meat.
I know that I look like a pig when I eat chinese food or Olive Garden soup and salad.
I know I used to be a terrible public speaker.
I know living with someone as nice as Mr Fun has been good for me.
I know how to make "cow eyes."
I know that people think I am "weird."
I know this was as hard as I thought it might be.